Cora Novoa is a music producer, Dj, creative director and researcher working at the intersection of art and technology. She has played her AV Live all over the world at festivals such as Sónar Barcelona, Tate-Modern Museum, Fabric London or Mutek Montreal; she also combines her artistic career with other professional facets such as Ableton Official Trainer, music content curator, giving masterclasses on music industry or creativity and the creative direction of her own record label SEEKING THE VELVET.

She is also an artist of the Canadian label Turbo Recordings, owned by Tiga or the French label Citizen Records founded by the electronic music producer Vitalic, where she has been remixed by artists such as Louisahhh, Djedjotronic, Pional or Maelstrom.


Cora Novoa es una productora musical, Dj, directora creativa e investigadora que trabaja en la intersección del arte y la tecnología. Ha tocado su AV Live por todo el mundo en festivales como Sónar Barcelona, Tate-Modern Museum, Fabric London o Mutek Montreal; además compagina su carrera artística con otras facetas profesionales como Ableton Official Trainer, comisaria de contenidos musicales, impartiendo masterclasses sobre industria musical o creatividad y la dirección creativa de su propio sello discográfico SEEKING THE VELVET.

También es artista del sello Canadiense Turbo Recordings, propiedad de Tiga o del sello Francés Citizen Récords fundado por el productor de música electrónica Vitalic, donde ha sido remezclada por artistas como Louisahhh, Djedjotronic, Pional o Maelstrom.